WORM Festival & ReROOTed
Executive Producer
WORM Festival & ReROOTed
Two gallery takeover projects in Hull’s Humber Street Gallery brought together collectives and artists from across Europe. And over two distinct weekends, 15 artists came together in and around the gallery. Their aim was to work with local performance artists, discuss and perform around a range of subject matters and work practices.
The Rotterdam-based Worm collective also invited Hull artists to Rotterdam to perform as part of its outreach programme. Working with the directors and artistic directors, we put together a weekend of drop-in activities from midday to midnight over the three days each time.
ReROOTed paid homage to a performance art movement that grew in the late 1970s and early 1980s in Hull. Hull’s most famous performance artist Cosey Fanni Tutti had just staged her largest retrospective exhibition at the Humber Street Gallery. To follow this, ReROOTed, led by the Hull Time Based Arts group, staged a takeover of the spaces for the weekend, that included more than 30 performances and culminated in an exhibition of archive materials.
Project Details
Client: Hull UK City of Culture 2017
Audience: 10k+
Role: Executive Producer
Category: Events & Exhibitions