Made In Hull, The Opening Week

Lead Producer

Made In Hull, The Opening Week

Hull UK City of Culture 2017 split its 365-day celebration into four seasons, opening with Made In Hull season. This first season of cultural events was created to look at the history of the city and its place in the UK, while also introducing questions and dialogue about where the city wanted to sit within the UK’s wider cultural story.

I project directed the first week’s opening activities – also called Made In Hull – an eight-location citywide spectacle.

Using archive footage and working with artists and the wider team, we formed an audiovisual commentary on the heritage and history of Hull and, importantly, where the city is now. These commissioned projected installations, soundscapes and art performances made for a huge opening for all the city’s residents to enjoy. Made In Hull made a statement about the scale and ambition of the public art being commissioned in the city throughout 2017, setting the scene for large-scale public artworks including Blade and The City Speaks.

Project Details

Client: Hull UK City of Culture 2017

Audience: 345k

Role: Lead Producer

Category: Events & Exhibitions


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